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Sâdhaka, The path of yoga

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Loogic engloba:


The documentary Sadhaka: The path of yoga aims to analyze the true yoga, its purposes and its effects through globally and unanimously recognized figures such as Ramiro Calle (Spain), Surinder Singh as well as relevant members of the Ashram aof Swami Veda Bharati (Rishikesh, India). As from there, key questions will be answered both to the inexperienced and to the yoga practitioner. The function of the narrator, carried out by director Nicolas Gauthier is precisely to respond to the arising problems from a neutral setting, dealing with such a complex and wide issue; furthermore, communicate the doubts and basic questions over a millennial practice without avoiding deeper questions regarding the mystical - esoteric aspirations of this tradition.

A dialogue that it is set between the narrator’s reflections and the answers of the different protagonists.



To deal with the question of the true yoga, or genuine yoga we must give a definition of what it is real yoga and what it is not. We must be fair and bright regarding the current practise forms. We would fail the general public if we suggested only efficiency, cultural and anthropological validity of all these forms. The narrator, even without being a specialist in yoga, has got no prejudices. He only has his wisdom and intuition as a guide.


Moreover, the protagonists, highly recognized by the diffusion of yoga’s traditional procedure, have been chosen as a result of not having the stereotyped language on the subject. Not everything is fair and the prospect of an exponential business in a society with a huge lack of spirituality and welfare gives way to the appearance of many fallacies when selling an exotic and attractive activity as a solution to many personal problems. Many pseudo-yogas or denatured ‘yogas’ arose a long time ago which have no link to the true hatha-yoga and which have become a real neurotic worship to the ego and the body.  This is why more than ever before, it is necessary to clarify the issue.


An ambitious artistic project featuring the visual touch of director Nicolas Gauthier and the rich, exciting and universal music of composer Luis Camino.



Nicolas Gauthier

location Sevilla, España
Nacido en 1978, llegó a España en 2007 después de conseguir un Doctorado de Estudios Cinematográficos y Audiovisuales en París. Pronto realizó sus primeros cortometrajes en S16mm y DV a partir de 1998 además de su función de ayudante de director en una compañía teatral en Francia. Realizó en 2004 un reportaje de 52 minutos sobre la comunidad colombiana en París proyectada en el Moma de Bogotá. En 2006, realiza un reportaje 26 minutos patrocinado por el INA (Instituto Nacional Audiovisual) sobre el diario francés Libération a través del retrato de su vigilante nocturno. En 2013, creación de su productora Phénix Films con el único objetivo de realizar un documental de 65 minutos sobre las artes marciales en Andalucía a través del cotidiano de un dojo y los retratos de Maestros internacionales. Están en marcha dos producciones entre España e India con la colaboración del compositor Luis Camino.
Escoge tu recompensa
Pack 1
As any support is important, we will credit your name + free download of feature on Vimeo before reléase.
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Pack 2
Thanks to this support, we offer the Pack 1 + The CD of the Sound track
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Pack 3
To enjoy to the best of our work and teachings captures, we thank you for your support with Pack 1 + Pack 2 + the DVD of the feature (extras included).
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Pack 4
In addition to Pack 1 + Pack 2 + Pack 3, your interest and relevant support will be reward with a consulting of professional bioenergetic valuation -- Means value your professional inclination; knowing your eficiency degree of your present job.

[We need your photo and personal details (name and age) by email]
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Pack 5
Your generous contribution to communicate the true yoga will allow you to enjoy of Pack 1+ Pack 2 + Pack 3 + a consulting of nutritional bioenergetic valuation -- Means value your nutritional inclination; knowing what your organism tolerate or reject.

[We need your photo and personal details (name, age, height and weight) by email.
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Pack 6
With so much support you can enjoy of both bioenergetics professional and nutritional consultings + DVD of the feature and of course... your name on the credits.
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Pack 7
Thank you for your generosity. For support us so much to diffuse the real yoga, we will enjoy of ALL our gifts: your name on the credits, download of feature on Vimeo befor reléase, CD of Sound track, DVD of feature and both bioenergetics consultings. Warm thanks.
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