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TASTES, against the Ethiopian food insecurity.

Apoyos al proyecto

En ocasiones, los mecenas apoyan con una cuantía económica que supera el valor de la recompensa escogida. No obstante, la cantidad que mostramos a continuación siempre corresponderá con el valor de la recompensa.

ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 20€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 20€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 20€
Página: 1
Escoge tu recompensa
Electronic postcard in Appreciation
An electronic postcard with a personalized dedication of Appreciation.
3 personas han apoyado
Appreciation and Project Report
A copy of the report, with all the explanations that justify it and an electronic postcard with a personalized dedication of Appreciation will be emailed.
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Digital Pack
A copy of the report will be sent by email, with all the explanations that justify it, an electronic postcard with a personalized dedication of Appreciation and a calendar with photographs of the population of the region.
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Digital Plus Pack
Digital Plus package consists of an electronic postcard with a personalized dedication of appreciation; plus a calendar with photographs of the population of the region; a copy of the report, with all the explanations that justify it and a TASTES project jumper.
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