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Conferences of Alternative Pedagogy Kusikuna

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Loogic Partners

En Loogic creemos en las personas y creemos que cuanto más cerca de ellas estemos, más podremos ayudarles y más podrán ayudarnos. Nosotros estamos limitados, somos un equipo magnífico pero que no llegamos a todas partes. Queremos tener personas que nos ayuden, sea de forma individual o desde empresas, que compartan la filosofía de Loogic y quieran ayudar a emprendedores, startups e inversores.

Nuestras áreas de acción son amplias, si crees que puedes ayudarnos en alguna de ellas, crees que puedes llevarlas a aquellos a los que nosotros no llegamos, queremos conocerte.

Loogic engloba:

Hello. We are the eco-active community Kusikuna, a little school based on self-management and situated in the village of Apote, at the foot of the mountain range of Tunari. Our aim is to form freethinking, responsible, solidary, critical people who are capable to face and resolve problems and who have self - esteem.

We call ourselves KUSIKUNA, “let us be happy” in quechua, because we believe in a kind of education that enlightens heart and mind, a kind of education that respects, values and stimulates the development of freedom – within certain limits and responsibilities – while aiming at personal and collective happiness as the ultimate goal for human beings.

We are a communitybecause between us (educators, fathers, mothers and students) we do not cultivate relationships based on power, but relationships based on confidence, friendship and mutual support. We consider ourselves eco because we know that an educational process only has sense when it maintains a relation based on respect, care and learning with Mother Earth. And we call ourselves activebecause we believe that one only really learns while doing.

For some years now, our project is at risk because it has to deal with a lack of official financial resources, little institutional support and lack of knowledge of the public about his educational alternative. The promotion of the reunion of different cultures but also of people from different social and economic layers implies a special effort has to be made, specifically in order to be able to receive children from families with little financial means.


That is why we need your help, not so much to save our school but rather to help us to be able to save it ourselves. So we would like to invite you to support our project I Days of Conferences of Alternative Pedagogy Kusikuna (Conferences PAK for its abbreviation in Spanish), which we are organizing in the city of Cochabamba (Bolivia) on the 7th and 8th of November.


            This project has three objectives:


1º Present different alternative pedagogies or teaching methods and our own school Kusikuna to the educational Bolivian community in order to get over with myths and fears related with these alternative ways of teaching and learning. In this way we will be able to attract more students and guarantee our survival on the long term.


2º Use the resources that we will generate during the Conferences and guarantee the continuation of the school during the next school year (salaries of the educators, services, etc.).


3º Establish a network of private and institutional contacts that are interested in alternative educational methods within and outside of Bolivia in order to be able to cooperate and give mutual support. We will be stronger when we are united.

Kusikuna Ecoactiva

location Apote - Cochabamba, Bolivia
Hola. Somos la comunidad eco-activa Kusikuna, una pequeña escuela autogestionaria ubicada en Apote, a los pies de la sierra boliviana del Tunari. Nuestro objetivo es formar personas libres, responsables, solidarias, críticas, capaces de enfrentar y resolver problemas, y con auto-estima. Nos llamamos KUSIKUNA, alegrémonos, en quechua, porque creemos en una educación que ilumine los corazones y las mentes, una educación que respete, valore y estimule el desarrollo de la libertad –con sus límites y sus responsabilidades- con la felicidad, personal y colectiva, como meta más elevada para el ser humano. Somos comunidad porque entre nosotros (docentes, padres, madres y alumnos) no se cultivan relaciones de poder, sino relaciones de confianza, de amistad y de apoyo mutuo. Nos consideramos eco porque sabemos que un proceso educativo sólo tiene sentido si guarda una relación de respeto, cuidado y aprendizaje con la Madre Tierra. Y nos calificamos activa porque creemos que el verdadero aprendizaje es el que se realiza haciendo. Sin recursos oficiales, pocos apoyos institucionales y el desconocimiento de la opinión pública sobre esta alternativa educativa, nuestro proyecto se ve amenazado desde hace unos años por falta de fondos y de visibilidad. Promover la convivencia de diferentes culturas, pero también de diferentes condiciones sociales y económicas, implica un particular esfuerzo financiero para poder recibir a niños y niñas de familias de escasos recursos. Por eso queremos que apoyes nuestros proyectos y nos ayudes a salvar nuestra escuela.
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Te mandaremos en formato digital todo el material transcrito y resumido de las Jornadas + un reportaje en video de las conferencias. Serás citado en los Agradecimientos de los I Cuadernos de Pedagogía Alternativa de Bolivia.
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We will send you by email a written summary and a video report of the Conferences.
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You will receive all material and you will also be included as a sponsor of the Conferences.
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