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Escuela libre Jerez

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En Loogic creemos en las personas y creemos que cuanto más cerca de ellas estemos, más podremos ayudarles y más podrán ayudarnos. Nosotros estamos limitados, somos un equipo magnífico pero que no llegamos a todas partes. Queremos tener personas que nos ayuden, sea de forma individual o desde empresas, que compartan la filosofía de Loogic y quieran ayudar a emprendedores, startups e inversores.

Nuestras áreas de acción son amplias, si crees que puedes ayudarnos en alguna de ellas, crees que puedes llevarlas a aquellos a los que nosotros no llegamos, queremos conocerte.

Loogic engloba:



Thanks for your interest in our project!


Our Kindergarden is actually in process of development, we started about one year ago. At the moment we have five children and we have good expectations that the numer of children will grow rapidly. The atmosphere is wonderful and the relation between our guide and the children could not be better.

We started our educational project “espiral” (=spiral) with the object to provide to children between 3 and 6 years a space with respect due to their evolutional process of life, where the children can be, learn, behave and grow in a free form, answering their own interests and needs.

We trust that the children can develop themselves in this prepared space, responding to their own and authentic needs, free of external influences.

A main objective is to foment the children´s desire to be autonomous, independent and responsible of their life; that is why we try to provide different “spaces” where their wishes can be fulfilled.

Help me to do it by myself”

We make use of different pedagogical theories (Montessori, free and active education,...) in a flexible way, listening and observing what the children communicate us with their words and actions, always with the clear object: the interests of the children. The children are always the protagonists of their own development, choosing whenever they want the space and the materials they need to do so.

Therefore we take care on the spaces which are designed to answer the needs of the different phases of the children, which allows a significante and active way of learning process.We use materials of the pedagogic theory of Montessori, whose philosophy inspires us. We use as well non specified materials (cloths, construction blocks, wooden bowls,...) with what they can develop a spontanous and simbolic way of game.

Respect is a fundamental value, which legitimates the children like integrate and responsible persons, accompaining their way to develop to a respectful and integrate person. This implicates as well that all the persons who are participating in our project, tact in the same way, learning to observe and to accept the differences.

 The autonomy and liberty of the children is fundamental to develop their human potentials and their trust that they are able themselves to act without depending on the adults; the ambient we create will allow this. This liberty permits to be themselves and to show their emotions, including if they feel bad, meanwhile we can accompany them in tose processes.


Last year we where located in a private house. This school year we had to find a new place.


In the week of the 19th september 2014 we finally found a piece of land which we could rent to continue with our project. It was not easy at all to find this space which covers our needs to be close to the city of Jerez and to have an open, green space, where the children can play outside.


Now we want to buy a little wooden house for to give the children an own space where they can play and leave their materials. Therefore we need financial help that´s why we are asking for donations.






If you want to know more about our project you can click on the link below to see more articles and videos.


We will provide continuously fotos on our website.


Escuela Libre Jerez

location Jerez de la Frontera, España
Comenzamos el proyecto educativo “Espiral” con el objetivo de proporcionar a niños y niñas de entre 3 y 6 años, un espacio respetuoso con sus procesos de vida, donde puedan ser, aprender, crecer de una forma libre y respondiendo a sus propios intereses Confiamos en que, en un ambiente preparado, los niños y las niñas se van desarrollando por sí mismos/as, siempre y cuando se respondan a sus necesidades más auténticas, libre de condicionamientos externos. Un objetivo principal es fomentar a los/as niños/as el deseo a ser autónomo, independiente y responsable de su vida, por lo que los espacios han de estar dispuestos para posibilitar que esto sea así. “Ayúdame a hacerlo sol@” Nos nutrimos de varias pedagogías ( Montessori, educación viva, libertaria…), de forma flexible, escuchando y observando lo que l@s niñ@s nos comunican, con sus palabras y sus acciones, siempre con un objetivo claro, los intereses de las criaturas. Ell@s protagonistas en todo momento de su proceso de desarrollo, eligiendo el ambiente y el material que necesita en cada momento. Para ello cuidamos los ambientes que están diseñados para responder a las necesidades de las etapas de los niños y las niñas, permitiendo llevar un aprendizaje significativo y vivencial. Utilizamos mucho material propuesto por la pedagogía Montessori, cuya filosofía también nos inspira, incluyendo también materiales no estructurados (telas, cajas, bloques de construcción, boles de madera…) con los que puedan desarrollar el juego espontaneo y/o simbólico. El respeto es un valor fundamental en este espacio, legitimando a l@s niñ@s como personas íntegras y acompañándoles en el camino que están recorriendo para formarse como tal. Y de forma coherente hemos de practicarlo entre todas las personas que formamos parte del proyecto, aprendiendo a observar y aceptar las diferencias. La autonomía y libertad de los niños y las niñas es fundamental para que puedan desarrollar sus potencialidades humanas y confiar en que son capaces de actuar sin depender del adulto constantemente; el ambiente estará adecuado para permitirlo. Esta libertad les permite ser ell@s mis@s y mostrar sus emociones, incluso cuando se sienten mal, con lo que podemos acompañarlos en todo el proceso.
Escoge tu recompensa
grain for grain
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website
0 personas han apoyado
handfull for handfull
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + button of “la Espiral”
8 personas han apoyado
cube for cube
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + 3 buttons of “la Espiral”
2 personas han apoyado
bag for bag
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + 3 buttons of “la Espiral” + 1 painting from the children of “la Espiral”
1 personas han apoyado
Carrillo a carrillo
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + 3 buttons of “la Espiral” + 1 painting from the children of “la Espiral” + surprise gift from 1 child of “la Espiral”
0 personas han apoyado
Pie con pie
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + 3 buttons of “la Espiral” + 1 painting from the children of “la Espiral” + surprise gift from 1 child of “la Espiral” + Cup of “la Espiral” with your name
0 personas han apoyado
Mano a mano
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + 3 buttons of “la Espiral” + 1 painting from the children of “la Espiral” + surprise gift from 1 child of “la Espiral” + Cup of “la Espiral” with your name + t-shirt of “la Espiral”
0 personas han apoyado
Codo con codo
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + 3 buttons of “la Espiral” + 1 painting from the children of “la Espiral” + surprise gift from 1 child of “la Espiral” + Cup of “la Espiral” with your name + t-shirt of “la Espiral” + puzzle of “la Espiral”
0 personas han apoyado
Hombro con hombro
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + 3 buttons of “la Espiral” + 1 painting from the children of “la Espiral” + surprise gift from 1 child of “la Espiral” + Cup of “la Espiral” with your name + t-shirt of “la Espiral” + 2puzzles of “la Espiral” + tile of “la Espiral”
0 personas han apoyado