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Escuela libre Jerez


LaParaeta Dolc Salat
Muy Buenas Este es mi proyecto y si le puede interesar colaborar aqui le dejo el link,
muchas gracias y perdone las molestias ocasionadas.

Descubre el proyecto LaParaeta http://www.lanzanos.com/proyectos/laparaeta/ , comparte please


Deja un comentario

Escoge tu recompensa
grain for grain
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website
0 personas han apoyado
handfull for handfull
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + button of “la Espiral”
8 personas han apoyado
cube for cube
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + 3 buttons of “la Espiral”
2 personas han apoyado
bag for bag
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + 3 buttons of “la Espiral” + 1 painting from the children of “la Espiral”
1 personas han apoyado
Carrillo a carrillo
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + 3 buttons of “la Espiral” + 1 painting from the children of “la Espiral” + surprise gift from 1 child of “la Espiral”
0 personas han apoyado
Pie con pie
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + 3 buttons of “la Espiral” + 1 painting from the children of “la Espiral” + surprise gift from 1 child of “la Espiral” + Cup of “la Espiral” with your name
0 personas han apoyado
Mano a mano
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + 3 buttons of “la Espiral” + 1 painting from the children of “la Espiral” + surprise gift from 1 child of “la Espiral” + Cup of “la Espiral” with your name + t-shirt of “la Espiral”
0 personas han apoyado
Codo con codo
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + 3 buttons of “la Espiral” + 1 painting from the children of “la Espiral” + surprise gift from 1 child of “la Espiral” + Cup of “la Espiral” with your name + t-shirt of “la Espiral” + puzzle of “la Espiral”
0 personas han apoyado
Hombro con hombro
Foto of “La Espiral” + mention of your name on our website + 3 buttons of “la Espiral” + 1 painting from the children of “la Espiral” + surprise gift from 1 child of “la Espiral” + Cup of “la Espiral” with your name + t-shirt of “la Espiral” + 2puzzles of “la Espiral” + tile of “la Espiral”
0 personas han apoyado