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Water Borehole in Malawi-Africa

According to the data provided by Action Aid and the cost of the crowdfunding,  4,565€ is the quantity needed for the creation of the borehole, in the video, I say a higher amount because of the currency has been devalued.


More information:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pSuDhs_e92BqhdMj21iDea2NBkLjDfuC6irzIw2Ch-g/pub?start=true&loop=false&delayms=60000


1st Magazine ActionAid-Ntchisi(Malawi):https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B99V6tsdach4OEhrM3BaSDUxTjA/view?usp=sharing


2nd Magazine ActionAid-Ntchisi(Malawi):https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B99V6tsdach4dXFIMGlJYUtfVE0/view?usp=sharing


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Personal thanks
In appreciation for your support, I will send you an email expressing my sincere thanks
0 personas han apoyado
Thanks + Monitoring Project
Additionally, I will send photos of the beginning and end of the borehole
1 personas han apoyado
Thanks + Monitoring Project
Additionally, I will send photos of the beginning and end of the borehole
3 personas han apoyado
Thanks + Monitoring + Calendar
Besides gratitude and photos, I will send you a solidarity calendar made by us
0 personas han apoyado
Thanks + Monitoring + Calendar
Besides gratitude and photos, I will send you a solidarity calendar made by us
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