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¿No tienes cuenta?

The reason for my adventure was stolen

Right now I feel even stronger than when I started this project because I have full confidence that I receive your support and for this I am going to discuss the needs of the same.

The bottom are the tools to carry it out, namely, that I was robbed (camera, tripod, lens, case and memory card). This would require two-thirds of the value that I ask and the other third would Dedicated to: my presentation will not be a mere contemplative event. I want to be the excuse to gather the purple and conduct awareness sessions (solving the problem of lack of water, electricity and cleaning failures), artistic recreation of the smallest (fill color degraded areas of the community, contests workshops and comets), advertise future projects (creating a space library and youth work) ... this integrated form that echoes both local media and general. It is a call of attention toward a forgotten place a call to awareness and participation. All this will need a webcast, posters, photo printing, materials used the conference and meetings, in addition to printing photos.

After a while here, I think these people deserve to be recognized and valued for their human, artistic and creative quality. This exhibition will be one of the ways for treasuring and active participation in testimonies and meetings.

Escoge tu recompensa
Be a important part of my project
Participants were individually recognized patron, making them indispensable for the achievement of this project core. Of course, they will be invited to the conference and wait for his gracious assistance.
0 personas han apoyado
Individually recognized and catalog virtual
Participants were individually recognized patron, making them indispensable for the achievement of this project core. Of course, they will be invited to the conference and wait for his gracious assistance.
They were also sent a catalog of the conference virtually and specially dedicated.
1 personas han apoyado
Individually recognized patron and one photograph
Participants were individually recognized patron, making them indispensable for the achievement of this project core. Of course, they will be invited to the conference and wait for his gracious assistance.
They sent a catalog of the conference virtually and specially dedicated. Also be mailed a printed photograph with one of the stories transcribed in the reverse.
2 personas han apoyado
Individually recognized, catalog virtual and ten p
Participants were individually recognized patron, making them indispensable for the achievement of this project core. Of course, they will be invited to the conference and wait for his gracious assistance.
They sent a catalog of the conference virtually and specially dedicated. Also be mailed ten printed photographs with each of the stories transcribed in the reverse.
2 personas han apoyado
Individually recognized, catalog virtually, 10 pho
Participants were individually recognized patron, making them indispensable for the achievement of this project core. Of course, they will be invited to the conference and wait for his gracious assistance.
They sent a catalog of the conference virtually and specially dedicated. Be mailed ten printed with each of the stories on its reverse transcribed, and a video DVD that will take place throughout the day.
0 personas han apoyado