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The reason for my adventure was stolen

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Loogic Partners

En Loogic creemos en las personas y creemos que cuanto más cerca de ellas estemos, más podremos ayudarles y más podrán ayudarnos. Nosotros estamos limitados, somos un equipo magnífico pero que no llegamos a todas partes. Queremos tener personas que nos ayuden, sea de forma individual o desde empresas, que compartan la filosofía de Loogic y quieran ayudar a emprendedores, startups e inversores.

Nuestras áreas de acción son amplias, si crees que puedes ayudarnos en alguna de ellas, crees que puedes llevarlas a aquellos a los que nosotros no llegamos, queremos conocerte.

Loogic engloba:

Since I graduated architectural my passion has always been found to use my knowledge to help others. When I started working, all my hopes were dashed when I discovered that the reality was far from what I had expected. Then I decided I had to use my time to do the things I believed and not sell it to third parties stuck to spend full days in the office. I worked for a long time to save enough to buy a plane ticket to Latin America of ... and here I am, in Brazil.

I went to live in one of the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, integration was quick and very satisfying. There I began to work with the residents in multiple tasks: building tips, help in the education of their children, small reforms, collaborative meetings to discuss issues, participation in organizing events ... So I had the opportunity to meet to fund a totally hidden for other people (including those living in less deprived areas of Rio de Janeiro) and I had the idea for a community project with all the people I had learned so much reality.

My project was to transladar a faithful record of reality we are living in the place where it is now my home. These are times of great events (the last World Cup and the next Olympics), as well as alleged changes (or not so changes) in society. So I decided to focus on the vision that people who are living in favelas, which are really the ones experiencing the greatest change in their lives.

All are new ways of understanding the change in the carioca culture; pacification, the testimonies of the inhabitants, the struggle for water, the Olympics, the conversion of the favelas in exotic pieces and tourisM ... gentrification, the black economy, increased "gringos" in the community and its consequences ...

To this end I was using lots of graphics, testimonial and visual material. Unfortunately, during my project, I was robbed an important tool: my camera. It was back to one of my jobs when two children under 15 years old and semi-nude pointed me with a broken bottle and asked me what I had. At the beginning I was quite scared and tried to talk to them, but the situation was very dangerous and I remembered the advice he had given me, do not resist, they are more afraid than you and will not hesitate to attack. I gave everything I had, even my shoes away. That day I felt several conflicting feelings: on one hand fear and helplessness (they were taking my most precious object) and the other a sense of wanting to understand what had brought these two children to act that way; how would their lives, how they would have been.

My project is now stalled because I do not have the financial means to buy another camera. Working entirely altruistic and this has the disadvantage that when you have a loss like this, all your work is paralyzed.

Soy una chica inquieta, siempre dispuesta a arriegarse y con ganas de moverse por el mundo conociendo, aprendiendo y valorando. Soy arquitecta de formación, pero rechazo el sistema imperante y me dedico a utilizar mis conocimientos para asesorar, fotografiar, idear soluciones comunitarias, escribir y sobre todo, sentir que lo que hago tiene un sentido, que voy a tener la oportunidad de ver una sonrisa sincera en sus rostros.
Escoge tu recompensa
Be a important part of my project
Participants were individually recognized patron, making them indispensable for the achievement of this project core. Of course, they will be invited to the conference and wait for his gracious assistance.
0 personas han apoyado
Individually recognized and catalog virtual
Participants were individually recognized patron, making them indispensable for the achievement of this project core. Of course, they will be invited to the conference and wait for his gracious assistance.
They were also sent a catalog of the conference virtually and specially dedicated.
1 personas han apoyado
Individually recognized patron and one photograph
Participants were individually recognized patron, making them indispensable for the achievement of this project core. Of course, they will be invited to the conference and wait for his gracious assistance.
They sent a catalog of the conference virtually and specially dedicated. Also be mailed a printed photograph with one of the stories transcribed in the reverse.
2 personas han apoyado
Individually recognized, catalog virtual and ten p
Participants were individually recognized patron, making them indispensable for the achievement of this project core. Of course, they will be invited to the conference and wait for his gracious assistance.
They sent a catalog of the conference virtually and specially dedicated. Also be mailed ten printed photographs with each of the stories transcribed in the reverse.
2 personas han apoyado
Individually recognized, catalog virtually, 10 pho
Participants were individually recognized patron, making them indispensable for the achievement of this project core. Of course, they will be invited to the conference and wait for his gracious assistance.
They sent a catalog of the conference virtually and specially dedicated. Be mailed ten printed with each of the stories on its reverse transcribed, and a video DVD that will take place throughout the day.
0 personas han apoyado