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From a clinic to a pediatric hospital in Meki

The main need we face to be able to carry out this project is the financial resource necessary to be able to extend the services the clinic offers being able, at the same time, to implement, a structure of work and functioning to allow us having children admissions. This is the case of the children that need to be stabilized in order to be transferred to other facilities.

Moreover, admissions are mainly targeted to children with severe malnutrition needing up to 3 or 4 weeks to their completely recovery. Now we have to transfer them to the reference hospital (where there are admissions) that is 100 kilometers away. This supposes a great disorder for the families, because they must leave their other children under the supervision and care of other persons. In fact, many times when we explain them that they must go to the center of reference, they always say “yes”, but we know that finally they don’t go.


It is necessary to evaluate any particular case attending the clinic, especially when there is a social problem (and if it is a child suffering malnutrition, we do know there are social problems!). We need to see what the family can assume and what they cannot. Sometimes, we think it is enough to tell them that they need to go to the hospital because the child is going to die, but this is not enough because they are renouncing to many things to care that child. 


Escoge tu recompensa
Bonito agradecimiento vía electrónica
Si contribuyes con 10 Euros, te enviaremos un bonito agradecimiento vía electrónica.

Además, recibirás información actualizada de cómo va avanzando el proyecto y de los pequeños logros que vamos consiguiendo cada día con tu ayuda.
8 personas han apoyado
30 Euros
If you contribute with 30 Euros, we will send you a beautiful grateful card, personalised with your name. We will send it to you by e-mail.

In addition, you will receive update information on the development of the project and the small goals we reach everyday with your help.
5 personas han apoyado
100 Euros
If you contribute with 100 Euros, we will send you by e-mail a beautiful diploma that certifies that you are already a part of the future Meki Hospital. You can show this diploma on the wall of your office or wherever you want.

In addition, you will receive update information on the development of the project and the small goals we reach everyday with your help.
13 personas han apoyado
300 Euros
If you contribute with 300 Euros, we will published your name and surname in the web of the Foundation. We will mention that you are a generous benefactor of our project. Everyone will know that you are a generous and committed person!

In addition, you will receive update information on the development of the project and the small goals we reach everyday with your help.
1 personas han apoyado
500 Euros
If you contribute with 500 Euros, we will send you a material recognition with your name. This recognition will include the name of the hospital and a text that will be grateful for your support. You will be able to put it in a place distinguished from your office or from your house.

In addition, you will receive update information on the development of the project and the small goals we reach everyday with your help.
1 personas han apoyado
2000 Euros
If you collaborate with 2000 Euros, we will nominate you a honor benefactor of Meki's Paediatric Clinic, already turned into a small hospital. We will put your name in a plate in the Hospital and will send you the photo.

In addition, you will receive update information on the development of the project and the small goals we reach everyday with your help.
4 personas han apoyado