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From a clinic to a pediatric hospital in Meki

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Loogic Partners

En Loogic creemos en las personas y creemos que cuanto más cerca de ellas estemos, más podremos ayudarles y más podrán ayudarnos. Nosotros estamos limitados, somos un equipo magnífico pero que no llegamos a todas partes. Queremos tener personas que nos ayuden, sea de forma individual o desde empresas, que compartan la filosofía de Loogic y quieran ayudar a emprendedores, startups e inversores.

Nuestras áreas de acción son amplias, si crees que puedes ayudarnos en alguna de ellas, crees que puedes llevarlas a aquellos a los que nosotros no llegamos, queremos conocerte.

Loogic engloba:

Project: do you imagine that with your help we turn a clinic into a small pediatric hospital of reference in Africa?

We are a small Foundation, but we think in big. More than 8 years ago, we began dreaming of offering a worthy health to children that didn’t have access to it. Despite our limited (but not limitating) size and with the help of many people, we started a pediatric hospital in Kenya that has become today is the reference hospital for the whole region.

When you see children becoming blind due to a lack of A vitamin, that simple problems like a wound in a foot become first an infection and after an amputation simply for lack of hygiene or a simple antibiotic, when you see children dying for malnutrition, you just realize how tremendously unfair is not to have any kind of medical assistance.

In 2012 we took in charge the management of “Let Children Have Home”, an orphanage in Meki (Ethiopia). Having assumed the management of the orphanage, we were conscious of the poor sanitary situation in the area. Not even a single doctor for so many population in need!

In April 2012, with a big effort, we inaugurated the Pediatric Clinic “Let Children Have Health”, which allowed us to offer a primary pediatric assistance with limited resources, according to our budget available.

Why do we need to become a pediatric hospital?

Within a few months of inaugurating the clinic, the demand of assistance was higher than what we could attend in our facilities, which forced us to limit our assistance to 1.300 children per month. In fact, we stopped attending everyday many mothers and children who came from distant places and doing a big effort to be able to arrive to our clinic.

Despite the fact that we enabled an observation room for short stays allowing us to attend to urgencies, many patients have a serious pathology that need a longer period in the hospital that we cannot provide with the facilities and the limited human resources we have today.

Nowadays, we derive these patients to Gambo Hospital or to the Black Lion Hospital in Addis Abeba, facilities that are at, approximately, three hours by car, but many of them die on the way to the hospital.

Our project pursuit to have the same success we already had in Lamu (Kenya), an island where 7 years ago we dreamt of a small pediatric clinic that some years after became a reference hospital providing quality pediatric services for the whole region.

What will we reach with your support?

To provide quality pediatric assistance in the hospital to reduce child mortality through:

- Admissions for those patients requiring it.

- Specific units for Renutrition, HIV, physical therapy, etc.

- Offer of new complementary services such as medical subspecialties campaigns with Spanish doctors who travel to the area during their holidays.  

- Training to the local personnel to improve his qualification and organizational capacity.

- Health promotion workshops to the public to improve education for health, for example, through basic concepts of hygiene and nutrition for the families of the children coming to the Hospital;

- Fight against child malnutrition and follow-up of the patients in the Renutrition Unit with nutritional complements and applying World Health Organization (WHO) protocols.

Moreover, with your support we will strengthen our regular services:  

- External medical consultations in a pre-established schedule.

- Medical urgencies.


- Derivations of patients that, as a result of the complexity of their pathology, need more specialized assistance. 

Isabel López Gordo

location Madrid, España
Soy madrileña, especialista en gestión de proyectos, comunicación y fundraising. Tengo una experiencia de más de 8 años como técnica de comunicación y proyectos en el ámbito de la cooperación internacional en América Latina. He trabajado en agencias de las Naciones Unidas como la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y UNICEF. Además, he participado en misiones de respuesta a emergencias y desastres como el terremoto de Haití. Desde hace varios meses he vuelto a Madrid, donde trabajo como Responsable de Comunicación y Fundraising en la Fundación Pablo Horstmann. Sin olvidarme de mi querida América Latina, ahora centro mis esfuerzos en apoyar -desde la parte de comunicación y captación de fondos- los proyectos de la Fundación en Kenia y Etiopía. Estoy muy orgullosa de trabajar para esta fundación. Es una fundación pequeña, pero que pone el corazón en todo lo que hace.
Escoge tu recompensa
Bonito agradecimiento vía electrónica
Si contribuyes con 10 Euros, te enviaremos un bonito agradecimiento vía electrónica.

Además, recibirás información actualizada de cómo va avanzando el proyecto y de los pequeños logros que vamos consiguiendo cada día con tu ayuda.
8 personas han apoyado
30 Euros
If you contribute with 30 Euros, we will send you a beautiful grateful card, personalised with your name. We will send it to you by e-mail.

In addition, you will receive update information on the development of the project and the small goals we reach everyday with your help.
5 personas han apoyado
100 Euros
If you contribute with 100 Euros, we will send you by e-mail a beautiful diploma that certifies that you are already a part of the future Meki Hospital. You can show this diploma on the wall of your office or wherever you want.

In addition, you will receive update information on the development of the project and the small goals we reach everyday with your help.
13 personas han apoyado
300 Euros
If you contribute with 300 Euros, we will published your name and surname in the web of the Foundation. We will mention that you are a generous benefactor of our project. Everyone will know that you are a generous and committed person!

In addition, you will receive update information on the development of the project and the small goals we reach everyday with your help.
1 personas han apoyado
500 Euros
If you contribute with 500 Euros, we will send you a material recognition with your name. This recognition will include the name of the hospital and a text that will be grateful for your support. You will be able to put it in a place distinguished from your office or from your house.

In addition, you will receive update information on the development of the project and the small goals we reach everyday with your help.
1 personas han apoyado
2000 Euros
If you collaborate with 2000 Euros, we will nominate you a honor benefactor of Meki's Paediatric Clinic, already turned into a small hospital. We will put your name in a plate in the Hospital and will send you the photo.

In addition, you will receive update information on the development of the project and the small goals we reach everyday with your help.
4 personas han apoyado