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Mt. Kilimanjaro for entrepreneurship in Kenya

ONE EURO=ONE VERTICAL METER: Mt. Kilimanjaro is 5895 meters high, each one of them represents one euro donated. Of the 5895€ raised, 1800€ will be used for some of expedition expenses (transport, guide, national park fee, some equipment rental). The ascent actually costs around twice that amount, but we will take care of the rest. ALL THE REST will be fully donated to Nyumbani and their entrepreneurship microcredit program, which sums up to at least 4095€ (hopefully even more!). 

Important info: if the aim of 5895€ is not reached, the platform will not transfer us the funds and instead give them back to the respective donors.

Escoge tu recompensa
5 meters
Your name will appear in a public acknowledgement in our Facebook page (if you have a Fb account and wish so, it will appear linked to your profile
4 personas han apoyado
20 meters
Includes all indicated in "5 meters" reward plus an individual acknowledgement in our short film about our stay in Nyumbani
2 personas han apoyado
50 meters
Includes all indicated in "20 meters" reward plus your picture next to your name in our short film and individual video acknowledgement at the top of Kilimanjaro
4 personas han apoyado
200 meters
Includes all indicated in "50 meters" reward plus email with all the details of where exactly your donation will be used for and we will name you in a song that we´ll compose about Nyumbani and its people (we promise it will be fun and we aren´t bad singers at all!)
5 personas han apoyado
500 meters
Includes all indicated in "200 meters" reward plus, if you are a business, your brand travels with us around the world as an official supporter of A Sponge´s Journey (alongside with supporters like Canon, RedBull or Pompeii). Promotion channel to be chosen by the brand (product, merchandising, photos and posts etc.)
1 personas han apoyado