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Help us keep Mimo in Málaga

Deja un comentario

Escoge tu recompensa
Good Karma
Donate 10€ and get a good karma from the universe.
7 personas han apoyado
Dining for 2 people
Donate 30€ and get a lunch or dinner value of 40€.
13 personas han apoyado
Very good karma
Donate 50€ and get a very good karma from the universe.
3 personas han apoyado
Dining for 2 people
Donate 50€ and get a lunch or dinner value of 75€.
25 personas han apoyado
1 secret recipe from Mimo
Donate 70€ and get 1 surprise recipe from our head chef Ania.
1 personas han apoyado
Awesome karma
Donate 100€ and get an awesome karma from the universe.
7 personas han apoyado
Dining for 4 people
Donate 100€ and get a lunch or dinner value of 150€
11 personas han apoyado
96 de 100 disponibles
Cooking group classes
Donate 100€ and take part of specially prepared cooking classes in Mimo.
4 personas han apoyado
3 secret recipes from Mimo
Donate 150€ and get 3 surprise recipes from our head chef Ania.
2 personas han apoyado
10 de 10 disponibles
Mixology classes (private classes for 1 person)
Donate 350€ and take part of specially prepared individual mixology classes in Mimo.
0 personas han apoyado
5 de 5 disponibles
Cooking private classes in Mimo for 1 person
Donate 350€ and take part of specially prepared individual cooking classes in Mimo.
0 personas han apoyado
I love you karma
Donate 500€ and get un unconditional love from us and the universe.
0 personas han apoyado
7 de 10 disponibles
Part of the wall
Donate 500€ and be a part of our history, have your name on the gratitude wall.
3 personas han apoyado
5 de 5 disponibles
Cooking classes in Mimo (private classes for 2 peo
Donate 500€ and take part of specially prepared cooking classes for couples in Mimo.
0 personas han apoyado
2 de 2 disponibles
Day with us in Mimo
Donate 1000€ and spend with us an amazing day at Mimo. We will show you how our business is working and how is it to run a vegan restaurant in Malaga. Work with us, eat with us and have fun for the whole day!
0 personas han apoyado
4 de 4 disponibles
Party at Mimo
Donate 2500€ and make a party at Mimo for up to 40 people! It could be a birthday, weeding, business party or other, as you wish. Food, drinks, great atmosphere! All included, worth 4000 €.
0 personas han apoyado