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Loogic Partners

En Loogic creemos en las personas y creemos que cuanto más cerca de ellas estemos, más podremos ayudarles y más podrán ayudarnos. Nosotros estamos limitados, somos un equipo magnífico pero que no llegamos a todas partes. Queremos tener personas que nos ayuden, sea de forma individual o desde empresas, que compartan la filosofía de Loogic y quieran ayudar a emprendedores, startups e inversores.

Nuestras áreas de acción son amplias, si crees que puedes ayudarnos en alguna de ellas, crees que puedes llevarlas a aquellos a los que nosotros no llegamos, queremos conocerte.

Loogic engloba:

Tengolarazon is a website that is intended, the resolution of conflicts or disputes between 2 or more people, by an independent popular jury. 
Is providing a path from mediation without creating jurisprudence. Friendly and pleasant for all types of public (friends/family/acquaintances or unknown) and stimulant for the members of the jury. 
By means of a simple system, videos are shipped via wetransfer. Each part has its version of history, and a randomly selected and previously registered jury begins to deliberate and cast your vote and why, giving one of the claimants the ethical or moral reason for the cause, but never calling to restore a situation, payment, etc. 
in no event will mean an interference in the exercise of the mediation or in any profession regulated by law which requires degree specific. 

Given its character, who while dealing with serious issues, its essence is light-hearted, its potential audience may include all ages, and throughout Spanish-speaking. Where according to cases and their debate or number of entries through the Youtube Channel, you can generate an attractive viral web both sender history. 

Are also another channel of inputs of stories/disputes, through letters. Designed for people who do not want to project his image on video. In this case, the debate only occur through users who want to speak freely by Disqus. 
Are pending to introduce new ideas links, discussions of news or other forums where to hold live debates, and other ideas, that encourage diverse opinion of users. 

Finally highlight the role of the jury who may be any person who is registered, without qualification or specific expertise, and with its simple view of a topic deter.

We have just started our journey and also have the domain /is and a facebook page.

valentin de la Torre Luna

location San fernando, España
Aunque nací en San Fernando, casi toda mi vida laboral transcurrió en Cataluña.Especialmente en Lleida, donde después de pasar por varios empleos y empresas recalé en la extinta Alvarez Beltrán, donde como comercial externo y externo (entre otros departamentos), pasé 7 años, hasta que la crisis se llevó todo y a todos por delante.También he trabajado como asesor inmobiliario y hace menos de un año tuve la enriquecedora experiencia de trabajar en el extranjero, como comercial de Vinos Hispania, concretamente en Cali (Colombia).Ahora de vuelta a mis orígenes me embarco en este proyecto, que originó una discusión con un hermano, y de lo que se encendió una lucecita, que tiempo despues estoy intentando plasmar.Como persona inquieta y a la que le gustan los retos y no quedarse en su zona de confort, espero que no sea el último proyecto que lleve a cabo.
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appreciation in facebook and social networks
Thanks to our Facebook page with the name next to our logo
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VIP jury appreciation
Thanks and your name in the credits of the www.tengolarazon.com page. Or its presence on the jury as VIP.
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Appreciation gift
Thanks and your name in the credits of the page www.tengolarazon.com Cup Tengolarazon breakfast. (Only Spain)
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Thank you t-shirt
Thanks and your name in the credits of the page www.tengolarazon.com Tengolarazon T-shirt (only Spain).
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Thanks and your name in the credits of the page www.tengolarazon.com your business advertising or similar banner of the page, for 1 month
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video advertising
Thanks and your name in the credits of the page www.tengolarazon.com advertising in video (COT) before playback of videos/causes of Tengolarazon for 1 month.
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