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World's Best Lens For Smartphone Photography

Like any project in life, we also have small barriers that we all have to overcome. 

With all pre calculated, tested and ready to go; doesn't leave us out of unexpected surprises. 

Now a days the economy being so unstable, the expenses always can get higher and affordable materials can't be that affordable sometimes. 

As important as money, time doesn't pass behind, and it is something that we all struggle with. 

But we will overcome with a well planned strategy to take care of you and your product. 

the higher the amount of support could make the success faster. 

And we are ready to succeed. 

All the money raised will be invested to manufacture the appliances.

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Pledge $5 or more
Thank you for your love and support.
By pledging just $5 we will keep you updated as we click.
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Pledge $20 or more
Thank you for your love and support.
By pledging just $20 we will keep you updated as we click.
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Be the first to receive ONE Click lens X, a 0.4X wide lens, black color for your smartphone
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Pledge $89
Receive ONE Click lens X, a 0.4X wide lens, black color for your smartphone
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Pledge $99
Receive ONE Click lens X, a 0.4X wide lens, black color for your smartphone
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Pledge $152
Receive TWO Click lens X, a 0.4X wide lens, black color for your smartphone. Share a Click lens X with a friend, so both of you can do great together.
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Pledge $210
Receive THREE Click lens X, a 0.4X wide lens, black color for your smartphone. Share a Click lens X with family or friend, so you all can do great together.
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Pledge $540
Receive EIGHT Click lens X, a 0.4X wide lens, black color for your smartphone. Share a Click lens X with family or friends, so you all can do great together.
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