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A football strip for our kids!

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En Loogic creemos en las personas y creemos que cuanto más cerca de ellas estemos, más podremos ayudarles y más podrán ayudarnos. Nosotros estamos limitados, somos un equipo magnífico pero que no llegamos a todas partes. Queremos tener personas que nos ayuden, sea de forma individual o desde empresas, que compartan la filosofía de Loogic y quieran ayudar a emprendedores, startups e inversores.

Nuestras áreas de acción son amplias, si crees que puedes ayudarnos en alguna de ellas, crees que puedes llevarlas a aquellos a los que nosotros no llegamos, queremos conocerte.

Loogic engloba:

We are trying to raise money to buy football strips and some pairs of football boots for a group of 30 to 40 kids that play in a state school in Jerez de la Frontera, a town in Andalucia, in the province of Cádiz.  This school is located in a central neighbourhood of the town well known for its flamenco dancing and singing.  In our school there are many kids in risk of social exclusion because of unemployment and the social-economic problems of the area.  30% of the kids attending the school are of gipsy origin, and a considerable percentage of children live in monoparental households or with other family members other than their parents.

These children enjoy practising their favourite sport, and most of them receive a 100% subsidy from the Andalusian government for participating in extra school activities, such as the football team (a sign of very low income backgrounds).  Unfortunately we have very little equipment and no means to get it, the goals have no nets, we have only a couple of footballs and we have a few coloured training tops that the kids use to train and to participate in local competitions.  Some of our kids don´t own a pair of football boots, they dont even have proper trainers to train with, they often play with broken shoes, however, there are a very motivated group of kids and love their sport. 

One of our goalkeepers, Javi, an 8 year old, has a motor condition and has to use a wheelchair.  Javi tells me with happiness how last year it was the first time that he was allowed to play his favourite sport and be part of a football team.  Our trainer, David, is a inspiring force for these children that respect him, admire him and love him.

We want to make reality their dream to have their own football strip with the school logo, and some boots for those that need them.  This way our kids will be able to participate in the local tournaments in a position of equality with the rest of schools and teams.  Nowadays when they play they wear any sporty clothing and get distinguished by their coloured training top, which is the only equipment that David has at the moment.

Soy madre de uno de los niños del equipo y voluntaria en actividades del cole. Ayudo y apoyo a David, el entrenador, en lo que puedo y siempre me quedo a ver los entrenamientos con los chicos.
Escoge tu recompensa
Thanks in the school webpage
We will write your name and thank you for your contribution in the school webpage
0 personas han apoyado
Thanks in the school webpage, facebook and youtube
We will write your name and thank you for your contribution in the school webpage, facebook page and youtube channel
1 personas han apoyado
Signed thankyou photograph
We will print a picture of the children wearing their new football strip, they will signed it with thanks and we will post it to you
10 personas han apoyado
Signed photo and t-shirt
We will print a picture of the children wearing their new football strip, they will signed it with thanks and we will post it to you together with a t-shirt with your name printed on it
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