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SÁLVORA sea conscious beauty

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Loogic Partners

En Loogic creemos en las personas y creemos que cuanto más cerca de ellas estemos, más podremos ayudarles y más podrán ayudarnos. Nosotros estamos limitados, somos un equipo magnífico pero que no llegamos a todas partes. Queremos tener personas que nos ayuden, sea de forma individual o desde empresas, que compartan la filosofía de Loogic y quieran ayudar a emprendedores, startups e inversores.

Nuestras áreas de acción son amplias, si crees que puedes ayudarnos en alguna de ellas, crees que puedes llevarlas a aquellos a los que nosotros no llegamos, queremos conocerte.

Loogic engloba:


Sálvora is a new brand of organic cosmetics that involves innovative ingredients developed by Celtalga Extract, Ltd., a spin-off of the University of Santiago de Compostela. Celtalga manufactures aqueous extracts from brown and green seaweeds collected in the Galician coast. The ultrasound-assisted process applied to obtain extracts uses water as the only solvent, thus being an eco-friendly process. Both ingredients and process are patented by the University of Santiago)


We wish the society to benefit from the goodness of seaweed extracts properties, through an innovative proposal of facial skin care products. Lab tests of the extracts both in vitro and chemical ones, evidence free radical scavenging, inhibition of the protein glycosylation and several enzymatic activities- such as antielastase and antihyaluronidase- that imply protection against skin damage, be it from aging or oher factors.


Our goal is providing people a natural, organic and also bioactive proposal in the form of a facial cream that protects its skin. We offer a formula that was dreamt low and made in Galicia to take care of the sea and of the people. A product with added value from the beginning to the end, starting with the artisanal collection of the seaweeds and following with the state of the art research at the lab to achieve a unique, original creation.


At the present day we introduce two products: a moisturizing & antioxidant cream and an antiaging one. The two of them are very well pondered, delicate, natural formulas that hold a very clear manifesto.


Marivel y Jorge

location Santiago de Compostela, España
Ola a todos. Somos Marivel Sánchez Guerrero e Jorge Sineiro Torres, investigadora e profesor da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Ambos, estivemos a traballar na extracción de antioxidantes a partir de residuos agrícolas coma o bagazo e pebida da uva. Mais tarde participamos nun proxecto de valorización de algas da costa galega, no departamento de Enxeñería Química da Escola Técnica Superior de Enxeñería (USC) O traballo de tres anos deu excelentes froitos, ó conseguirmos extractos antioxidantes a partir das algas galegas, e, aínda mais, ó face-lo empregando somentes auga coma disolvente, aplicando ultrasóns, e non mediante extracción con disolventes. “Como os resultados foron bos, prantexeime a idea de crear unha empresa e comercializar os extractos, idea que apoiou con entusiasmo o meu compañeiro Jorge”. Así xorde a marca SÁLVORA, iniciativa que propón novos produtos para o coidado da pel, cremas antienvellecemento, hidratantes e antioxidantes, que incorporan os nosos extractos de algas. En perfecta harmonía con outros ingredientes ecolóxicos. Un soño que nace e se produce en Galicia. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hola, somos Marivel Sánchez Guerrero y Jorge Sineiro Torres, investigadora y profesor de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Ambos, estuvimos trabajando en la extracción de antioxidantes de residuos agrícolas como el bagazo y pepita de uva. Posteriormente, participamos en un proyecto de valorización de algas de la costa gallega, en el departamento de Ingeniería Química de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (USC). El trabajo de tres años tuvo excelentes frutos, al conseguir extractos antioxidantes de las algas gallegas, y sobre todo, al obtenerlo utilizando como disolvente único agua y aplicando ultrasonidos, no a través de sistemas químicos. Como los resultados fueron buenos, me planteé la idea de crear una empresa y comercializar los extractos, idea que apoyó con entusiasmo mi compañero Jorge. A partir de ahí surge la marca SÁLVORA, la iniciativa que propone novedosos productos para el cuidado de la piel, cremas antiedad, hidratantes y antioxidantes.que incorporan nuestros extractos de algas. En perfecta armonía con ingredientes ecológicos. Un sueño que nace y se produce en Galicia.
Escoge tu recompensa
Sálvora thanks your unconditional support
A true friend shows love at all times as you.
0 personas han apoyado
"Green" Sálvora ballpen.
"Green" ballpen with Sálvora logo printed.
Made of recycled cardboard and biodegradable plastic derived from corn starch.
Shipping charges included.

**Shipping charges are not included for addresses located in Canary Islands, Balearic Islands and out of Spain.

0 personas han apoyado
Moisturizing & antiox cream
Moisturizing & antiox cream, light, that leaves no shiny traces. Perfect for all kind of skin. It includes Ascophyllum nodosum extract from Galician coast. 50 ml/1.7 fl. oz.
All active ingredients are either organic or from wild sustainable harvesting. The emulsifiers are made from natural raw matter and both the emulsifier and the preservatives fulfill ecological certification norm.

-Parabens free
-Chemical fragrances free
-Petroleum and mineral oil free
-Silicones free
-Sulfates free

The TAG bottle (technology airless glass) attestation conforms to Ecocert and Cosmos standards.

**Shipping charges are not included for addresses located in Canary Islands, Balearic Islands and out of Spain.
34 personas han apoyado
Antiaging cream*
An antiaging cream with a high proportion of Ascophyllum nodosum extract. This cream shows a light texture, quick absorption and it is ideal for all kind skin type. In vitro assay results show that this seaweed extract. It protects elastine and hyaluronic acid that provides resilience, elasticity and turgidity to the skin. 50 ml/1.7 fl. oz.

All active ingredients are either organic or from wild sustainable harvesting. The scent comes from organic essential oils from organic farming.
-Parabens free
-Chemical fragances free
-Petroleum derivatives and mineral oil free.
-Silicones free
-Sulfates free

The TAG bottle (technology airless glass) attestation conforms to Ecocert and Cosmos standards.

**Shipping charges are not included for addresses located in Canary Islands, Balearic Islands and out of Spain.
25 personas han apoyado
Pack of 2 creams
SÁLVORA rewards your support.
Pack of 2 creams.
You are free to choose the combination.

**Shipping charges are not included for addresses located in Canary Islands, Balearic Islands and out of Spain.
68 personas han apoyado
Set of 4 creams and a "surprise gift"
SÁLVORA thanks you and recognizes that having the support from people like you, dreams come true.
You will receive a pack of four creams, being free to choose the combination. And SÁLVORA will give you a “surprise gift”.

**Shipping charges are not included for addresses located in Canary Islands, Balearic Islands and out of Spain.
25 personas han apoyado
Wellness and relaxing experiences
Receive two Sálvora creams and ejoy one of these three Smartbox experiences:

1. Relax for two persons: Spa experience.
2.- Exclusive body treatments.
3.- Enjoy a chic dinner

* Smartbox offers are only available in Spain.
**Shipping charges are not included for addresses located in Canary Islands, Balearic Islands and out of Spain.

5 personas han apoyado