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De la Habana vengo a la Habana voy

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Loogic Partners

En Loogic creemos en las personas y creemos que cuanto más cerca de ellas estemos, más podremos ayudarles y más podrán ayudarnos. Nosotros estamos limitados, somos un equipo magnífico pero que no llegamos a todas partes. Queremos tener personas que nos ayuden, sea de forma individual o desde empresas, que compartan la filosofía de Loogic y quieran ayudar a emprendedores, startups e inversores.

Nuestras áreas de acción son amplias, si crees que puedes ayudarnos en alguna de ellas, crees que puedes llevarlas a aquellos a los que nosotros no llegamos, queremos conocerte.

Loogic engloba:

"De la Habana vengo a la Habana voy" is a choreographic project that aims to tell the origins of flamenco Guajira in Cuban music. We carry out a historical-musical journey starting from the first songs that were in the field of peasant labor in Cuba: Afro-Cubans songs, the first known “Son Cubano” and the “Punto Cubano” to end at the flamenco Guajira which is the result of the mix between the music of Cuba and Spain.

The first short version of this choreography was presented in Choreography Contest of Spanish and Flamenco dance in 2013 which took place in Madrid. This short version had a huge public acceptance. From the result of this initial research on the development of this work, the continuity of this process becomes necessary, expanding the work and contrasting it with Cuban artists in the original context itself. Therefore the main objective of this project is the expansion of the choreography "De la Habana vengo a la Habana voy" which aims to deepen and expand the work to one hour long. It will be a long format spectacle to be represented in different spaces and dance festivals.

The project and application of doing it in Cuba come from the artistic interest underpinned by the need to go to primary sources that is the subject of this investigation. It is an artistic research with a participatory nature in which the meeting with Cuban artists and researchers is essential for the development of the project, to expand knowledge truthfully and to compare, share and offer to the Isle of Cuba the research results. This choreography intends to be a cultural bridge between Spain and Cuba based on common cultural contents.

This project has been approved by the Cuban Ministry of Culture because it is an exchange project of great cultural interest. Therefore, for its realization we will have the collaboration of Ballet Folklorico of Camagüey and his orchestra. As music director of the the project, we will have the collaboration of Diego Villegas who will travel with me to Cuba. Composer of the music for the show in its original version, he will now assume the challenge of composing the music for the show large format. His participation in the project will be critical because he will be the communication nexus with Cuban musicians of Ballet Folklorico with which we collaborate.

This search concern is further motivated by my own connection with the Cuban people and this is also a personal story. My grandfather is natural musician of Manzanillo, Cuba, and I am Spanish being professionally dedicated to flamenco. This is for me a searching for my true origins which are, in turn, a Cuban-Spanish cultural mix. Thanks to the collaboration that you could lend me, I will have the opportunity to realize my artistic project and, thus, fulfill my dream: to bring a bit closer the history of these two peoples who always shook their hands and to tell my own personal history at the same time.

More information on the website: http://www.carolinapozuelo.com/habana/

Nacida en Madrid y de familia de músicos canaliza su expresión artística a través del baile. Realiza sus estudios de danza en el Real Conservatorio Profesional de Marienma obteniendo su titulación de Grado medio de Danza Española y Flamenco.Compagina estos estudios con otros maestros tales como Merche Esmeralda, Carmela Greco y Gala Vivancos entre otros. Durante el 2003/2005 trabaja en la Compañía de Miguel Ángel Berna con los espectáculos de Tierra de Dragón y Encuentros bajo la dirección artística de Ricardo Franco. En 2004 trabaja con el Nuevo Ballet Español, en el espectáculo Furia.En este mismo año participa como represéntate española del RCPD en la proeduexpo realizada en Corea. En 2005 entra a formar parte de la Compañía de Joaquín Cortes.En este mismo año se incorpora a la Compañía Antonio Gades realizando giras mundiales con los espectáculos de Carmen, Fuente Ovejuna y Bodas de sangre desempeñando en esta ultima el rol solista de La Mujer. Permanece en esta compañía hasta el 2010. Durante el 2010/11 realiza diversas producciones bajo la dirección artística de Goyo Montero. Artista invitada en la Compañía Flamenco vive con sede en NY debutando en el Shynpony Space de esta misma ciudad con el espectáculo Bailaor Bailaora. Artista invitada en la compañía Ven Pa Ca en el festival de Nueva Orleans. En el año 2012/13 es bailaora del tablao flamenco Corral de la Morería. Además de sus trabajos como bailarina colabora en el montaje del Cascanueces como ayudante coreográfica en el Royal Danish Ballet bajo la dirección de Frank Andersen. Ha realizado a su vez diversas master class en EEUU, Bruselas y Madrid. Actualmente es bailarina de la Cía. Antonio Gades para el nuevo montaje de la obra Fuego el cual compagina con sus propios proyectos.
Escoge tu recompensa
Pack Guarapo
A virtual “Thank you” on the website + digital autographed photo by the company.
9 personas han apoyado
Pack Yarey
A virtual “Thank you” on the website + digital autographed photo by the company + DVD of the full performance mailed directly to your residence.
13 personas han apoyado
Pack Guajiro
A virtual “Thank you” on the website + digital autographed photo by the company + DVD of the full performance + “Thank you” on the DVD credits. The DVD will be mailed directly to your residence.
10 personas han apoyado
Pack Punto Cubano
A virtual “Thank you” on the website + digital autographed photo by the company + DVD of the full performance + “Thank you” on the DVD credits + “making of” creative process. The DVD will be mailed directly to your residence.
4 personas han apoyado
Pack Guantanamera
A virtual “Thank you” on the website + digital autographed photo by the company + DVD of the full performance + “Thank you” on the DVD credits + “making of” creative process + autographed copy of sheet music from the original score by Diego Villegas. The DVD and the sheet will be mailed directly to your residence.
7 personas han apoyado
9 de 10 disponibles
Pack Clave Cubana
A virtual “Thank you” on the website + digital autographed photo by the company + DVD of the full performance mailed directly to your residence + “Thank you” on the DVD credits + “making of” creative process + autographed copy of sheet music from the original score by Diego Villegas + a pair of Cuban percussive “claves” signed by the company. The DVD, the sheet and the "claves" will be mailed directly to your residence.
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Pack Ahi na' ma
As a business collaborator your official “Logo” together with an honorable mention will be listed digitally/physically wherever fiscal sponsorship in mentioned + you will receive 10 copies of the DVD full performance including the “making of” creative process.
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