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Loogic Partners

En Loogic creemos en las personas y creemos que cuanto más cerca de ellas estemos, más podremos ayudarles y más podrán ayudarnos. Nosotros estamos limitados, somos un equipo magnífico pero que no llegamos a todas partes. Queremos tener personas que nos ayuden, sea de forma individual o desde empresas, que compartan la filosofía de Loogic y quieran ayudar a emprendedores, startups e inversores.

Nuestras áreas de acción son amplias, si crees que puedes ayudarnos en alguna de ellas, crees que puedes llevarlas a aquellos a los que nosotros no llegamos, queremos conocerte.

Loogic engloba:

The effects of climate change, urbanization and water restriction on the planet make it difficult to obtain the water needed to meet the growing demands of agriculture. 

In Brazil the need to preserve genetic and energetic resources aimed at bioenergy is especially important, once most of the crops that make up the productive foundation of the country are of exotic origin.


Maguey do Cerrado is a cultivar which is a source for foods, fibers and fuels that, due to an interaction with the environment, requires less water (because of its CAM metabolism).

The typical characteristic of those that use this metabolism is the production of reserve carbohydrates (fructans) which allow the development of the plant through osmoregulation, cryopreservation and tolerance to drought.

The Maguey do Cerrado ecotype is a morphological variety of the Salmiana section of the Agave genus grown in the Cerrado region of Goiás, Central- West region of Brazil – was established.

Cerrado is a savanna biome that gathers a complex mosaic of several types of vegetation, which cover approximately 2.000.000 km of Central Brazil. 

The Maguey do Cerrado presents structural and functional characteristics of adaptation to environments with water restriction. It is identified as indicators of structural modification the adaptations developed for greater efficiency in water abstraction and lower energy expenditure.

Another indicator can be measured by the quality of the sap produced by the plants, rich in polysaccharides, simple sugars and alcohol.

The proposal stands out for the innovation in the management model articulated in network and the generation of products and solutions that can be replicated on a world scale.

It also stands out for rescuing a traditional experience, amplified by research and development, generating a new product and an alternate productive model with sustainable foundations in balance with nature.


The Maguey do Cerrado product platform is structured in five pillars:




Urban Cultivation

Agroecological Cultivation



Studies and tests;

Intellectual production;

Cultivation of microorganisms;

Production of biomass and biopolymers;



Elaboration of nutritive and functional caloric sweetener;

Manufacture of distilled beverages;


Manufacture of food fibers;


Ecological packaging;

Fiber Xaxins;

Tics and IoT:

Information platform;

Proof of concept app;

Traceable packaging;

Smart packaging;

Pharmacological Products:

Elaboration of Surgical Suture;

Manufacture of artificial leather;

Development of metabolic compounds;

Printed media publications;

Digital publications;




Scientific divulgation;



location GOIÂNIA, Brasil
Pedagogo, Especialista en Gestión Local de Desarrollo y Master en Fundamentos de los procesos educativos. Actúa como un investigador, gestor cultural y asesor técnico en proyectos de desarrollo sostenible con impacto social (UNESCO y el PNUD). Opera en el proyecto como Coordinador de Investigaciones, Desarrollo y Formación. De 2010 a 2015 se incorporó al Banco de los revisores del Ministerio de Cultura (Ministerio de Cultura) como Acreditado de Expertos para la evaluación de proyectos de alta complejidad. Es uno de los fundadores de la Koskatl cultural Colectivo, que desarrolla actividades de formación y produce contenidos multiplataforma con la incorporación de las tecnologías digitales en situaciones de aprendizaje. En 2015, el colectivo fue galardonado con el "All for One Brasil lectores" que concede el Ministerio de Cultura. También fundó el diálogo red "CASA BRASIL DIGITAL", que promueve los grupos de conexión, productores culturales e instituciones de formación con el fin de desarrollar productos, servicios y procesos de formación que permiten el desarrollo local sostenible. En 2015 se seleccionó la "CASA BRASIL DIGITAL" por primera vez por la Red de Cultura Aviso / Ministerio de Cultura y galardonado con la categoría local. Actualmente coordina la propuesta de la innovación "Maguey Producto Plataforma Cerrado" tecnológica para la reproducción, creación, producción y uso completo de Maguey Cerrado ecotipo (una variedad de la sección Agave salmiana). En diciembre el año 2016 El proyecto: "Concentrado Aguamiel 100% Maguey Cerrado" ha sido seleccionado entre los 3 mejores proyectos de alimentos brasileños
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E-book + Personalized thank you on Facebook and website + newsletter detailing, with texts and images, the activities that have been developed + Thank you credits (E-book)
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E-book + Personalized thank you in Facebook and the website + newsletter that details, with texts and images, the activities that have been developed + Thank you credits (E-book) + web conference (60 min) with answers to questions
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E-book + Personalized thank you in Facebook and the website + newsletter detailing, with texts and images, the activities that have been developed + Thank you credits (E-book) + Workshop in Barcelona - 4h
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The collaborating company can have visibility through the actions:
Logo on the back of the eBook;
Logo on the initial screen (ICESDP'17);
Nominal appreciation at the start of activities (ICESDP'17, web conferences and workshop);
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1 de 1 disponibles
Collaborator / Researcher 1
A group of up to 10 researchers can have a unique workshop in their institution (Barcelona). Workshop: 3 Brazilian researchers (four hours). Data: 06 / Apr / 17 + E-book + Personalized thank you on Facebook and the website + Thank you credits (E-book) + Logo on the back cover of the electronic book; Logo on the initial screen (ICESDP'17);
0 personas han apoyado
1 de 1 disponibles
Collaborator / Researcher 2
A group of up to 10 researchers can have a unique workshop in their institution (Barcelona). Workshop: 3 Brazilian researchers (four hours). Data: 07 / Apr / 17 + E-book + Personalized thank you on Facebook and the website + Thank you credits (E-book) + Logo on the back cover of the electronic book; Logo on the initial screen (ICESDP'17);
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2 de 2 disponibles
Collaborator / Researcher National
A group of up to 20 researchers can have a unique workshop in their institution (Any city in Spain). Workshop: 3 Brazilian researchers (four hours) Data: 10, 11 or 12 / Apr / 17 + E-book + Personalized thank you on Facebook and website + Thanks for credits (E-book) + Logo on the back cover of Electronic book; Logo on the initial screen (ICESDP'17);
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