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Scholarships to 100 orphans with HIV in Ethiopia

Apoyos al proyecto

En ocasiones, los mecenas apoyan con una cuantía económica que supera el valor de la recompensa escogida. No obstante, la cantidad que mostramos a continuación siempre corresponderá con el valor de la recompensa.

Gonzalo Guajardo
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 1000€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 10€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 10€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 10€
Judit Supertramp
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 10€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 10€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 10€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 5€
Natalia Zaira Pedrajas Sanz
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 10€
Página: 1
Escoge tu recompensa
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
1 personas han apoyado
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
7 personas han apoyado
Fridge Magnet
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
0 personas han apoyado
Christmas Card
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia
0 personas han apoyado
Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia
- A beautiful Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves.
0 personas han apoyado
Gift from Merkato
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia.
- A beautiful Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves.
- A gift from our little Merkato.
0 personas han apoyado
Tickets for a charity night
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia.
- A beautiful Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves.
- A gift from our little Merkato.
- 2 tickets to go to the charity night event that takes place once a year in Madrid or Seville.
0 personas han apoyado
DVD Film Soundtracks
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia.
- A beautiful Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves.
- A gift from our little Merkato.
- 2 tickets to go to the charity night event that takes place once a year in Madrid or Seville.
- DVD with the whole charity concert "Film Soundtracks" recorded in Seville in 2014.
0 personas han apoyado
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia.
- A beautiful Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves.
- A gift from our little Merkato.
- 2 tickets to go to the charity night event that takes place once a year in Madrid or Seville.
- DVD with the whole charity concert "Film Soundtracks" recorded in Seville in 2014.
- The logo of your company will be in every printed and electronic publication (web and posters)
1 personas han apoyado
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia.
- A beautiful Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves.
- A gift from our little Merkato.
- 2 tickets to go to the charity night event that takes place once a year in Madrid or Seville.
- DVD with the whole charity concert "Film Soundtracks" recorded in Seville in 2014.
- The logo of your company will be in every printed and electronic publication (web and posters)
- Your company may include a free banner/video/ad in our website.
0 personas han apoyado
Honorific partnership
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia.
- A beautiful Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves.
- A gift from our little Merkato.
- 2 tickets to go to the charity night event that takes place once a year in Madrid or Seville.
- DVD with the whole charity concert "Film Soundtracks" recorded in Seville in 2014.
- The logo of your company will be in every printed and electronic publication (web and posters)
- Your company may include a free banner/video/ad in our website.
- You will be part of our honorific list of partners.
0 personas han apoyado
Free guide in Ethiopia
- Subscription to our bulletin
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia
- A gift from our little Merkato.
- 2 tickets to go to the charity night event that takes place once a year in Madrid or Seville.
- DVD with the whole charity concert "Film Soundtracks" recorded in Seville in 2014.
- The logo of your company will be in every printed and electronic publication (web and posters)
- Your company may include a free banner/video/ad in our website.
- You will be part of our honorific list of partners.
- Gonzalo Guajardo, founder of VIHVE, will do a free guide for you in case you travel to Ethiopia.
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