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Imprevalle Machinery Concern

With the intention of acquiring new machinery for our growth and expansion, because the machine that we currently have is very depreciated and is our livelihood, because we make a high investment in it with the help of the bank and we are still paying but the anguish that in Any time it goes away is very high and we do not have enough money to replace it, additionally, we have invested in its arrangement but definitely the machine is about to stop working, which would be catastrophic for my business and for the people who work with US.

Your donation will be used to purchase it and thus continue with the operation of the business.

For the foregoing, we appreciate at least reading the situation exposed here. If you can not support our cause economically, we thank you for a prayer on our behalf.

Thanks to everyone and Millions of Blessings !!

Escoge tu recompensa
Reminder (Souvenir) and plaque Honorable Mention

Reminder (Souvenir) and plaque Honorable Mention
Our Reward is part of one of the products and services we offer, consists of the delivery of a commemorative plaque or Honorable Mention, Made with personalized texts and logos in different metals and acrylic bases in wood or mdf of the highest quality giving them the finest finishes, The plate has a cost in our market of $ 200,000 Colombian pesos more or less between 50 and 60 euros.
The intention is to involve our sponsor in the quality of the work that is supporting and helping to continue growing.
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Nos permitimos dar otra opción de Recompensa:<br /><br />IMPREVALLE
Ofrecemos para ustedes la opción de Diseño e Impresión de Tarjetas de Presentación + Volantes + Pendón.<br /> <br />Lo anterior, pensando en lo útil que puede ser para usted hacer publicidad a su Proyecto o Empresa y crear o afianzar el respectivo reconocimiento de la misma.<br /><br />Condiciones: Millar de Tarjetas De presentación 4x1 (full color barnizadas o Mate total) + Volantes 20 x 13 cms 4x1 (Full color una cara) + Pendon en lona con ojales o bastones hasta de 120x80 cms. (Diseño Incluido).
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