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Defendamos Calpe electoral program

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10€ support
E-mail and a copy of Defendamos Calpe electoral program. Mandatory to add the NIF/NIE when making your support.
17 personas han apoyado
20€ support
E-mail and a copy of Defendamos Calpe electoral program and a invitation to the presentation of the electoral program that will take place in May. Mandatory to add the NIF/NIE when making your support.
16 personas han apoyado
50€ support
E-mail and personalized thank-you call, a copy of Defendamos Calpe electoral program and an invitation to the presentation of the electoral program that will take place in May. Mandatory to add the NIF/NIE when making your support.
9 personas han apoyado
100€ support
E-mail and personalized thank-you call, a copy of Defendamos Calpe electoral program and a personal invitation of the candidate to the presentation of the electoral program that will take place in May. Mandatory to add the NIF/NIE when making your support.
10 personas han apoyado