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Salvage Campaign for Montagu's Harrier

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72 de 100 disponibles
Montagus Harrier Sticker and Certificate
Sticker with which you can show off your passion for birds and your involvement with this species, plus certificate with your full name to endorse your commitment and collaboration with this campaign.
28 personas han apoyado
11 de 20 disponibles
Montagus Harrier T-shirt and Certificate
Montagu's Harrier T-shirt, plus a certificate with your full name that supports your commitment and collaboration with this campaign.
9 personas han apoyado
7 de 10 disponibles
Iberian birds book and Certificate
A fantastic book about watching Iberian birds, plus a certificate with your full name to endorse your commitment and collaboration with this campaign.
3 personas han apoyado
20 de 20 disponibles
Sponsor a Montagus
Guided field trip to the nesting area. You can accompany the technical as volunteer at one of the outputs. plus Photo Album on one of the campaigns chicks from birth until it's able to fly, plus Harrier T-shirt + Sticker Project + certified with your full name to endorse your commitment and collaboration with this campaign.
0 personas han apoyado
18 de 20 disponibles
Collaborating company or organization
If you are or belong to a organization or company involved in environmental conservation, collaborate with us. In exchange for your donation, EOP advertise your company on its website and social networking site as well as in all advertising and technical reports that are developed for the campaign. In addition we will have a certificate of commitment to your organization or company in the conservation of the species.
2 personas han apoyado