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What do we need ?

Agroarkhia needs your support to carry out our plan, on our own we have already managed to get a very kind farmer to lend us a 1000 square meter greenhouse but this greenhouse is in poor condition (broken plastic, bolts, guayas and loose anchors) and That is why part of what we seek will be destined to the improvements that are deserved, since this place will become the classroom that we want to teach with much love and thanks to your help. We also need resources to subsidize transportation and food of collaborators and assistants to our workshops.

Finally, we want to explain a little about what we know and want to teach.Hydroponics is a cultivation technique in which water is the main actor along with the nutritional solution that allows having more food per square meter with a more rational use of water These techniques can be hybrid (organoponics) for those who want to use self-irrigating systems without neglecting organic cultivation, apart from that they easily adjust to almost any environment and their operational management is much simpler and more comfortable, just what our farmers need, tools that facilitate their great work, it is never too much to acquire new knowledge.

Escoge tu recompensa
! Your seed will grow in the hearts of those who seek peace, in return you will get a personalized message from a farmer friend
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! The illusion springs up again, thanks for your contribution, now you are the godfather of a farmer's son and he will be in charge of planting a plant for you, this plant will have your name.
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The sun always comes out to give us its light! Thank you for allowing the injured leaves to receive a light of hope again, your contribution rewards you with graphic guides to build your own hydroponic system
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It is time to feed the peace! It is incredible to see how your effort is rewarded, you will receive graphic guides for the construction of your own hydroponic garden + a plant planted by the son or daughter of a farmer, this plant will have your name.
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A whole orchard!
The food that you sow is love that you reap! Thank you so much for helping to have a great garden full of faith and love. We will reward you with a graphic guide to build a beautiful hydroponic system + a digital chart of a farmer and his orchards
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You are a peace manager!
Peace is built when hatred is destroyed! You are a special being and you deserve the best so we will reward you with a complete hydroponics workshop through meet or zoom + graphic guide for you to build your own hydroponic system + a primer with photos of a farmer's garden + planting a plant to your name
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