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Loogic Partners

En Loogic creemos en las personas y creemos que cuanto más cerca de ellas estemos, más podremos ayudarles y más podrán ayudarnos. Nosotros estamos limitados, somos un equipo magnífico pero que no llegamos a todas partes. Queremos tener personas que nos ayuden, sea de forma individual o desde empresas, que compartan la filosofía de Loogic y quieran ayudar a emprendedores, startups e inversores.

Nuestras áreas de acción son amplias, si crees que puedes ayudarnos en alguna de ellas, crees que puedes llevarlas a aquellos a los que nosotros no llegamos, queremos conocerte.

Loogic engloba:



Overfishing is the result of over-exploitation of marine resources . This phenomenon began with whaling in order to extract oil for illuminating large cities. On the other hand , cod and sardines were on the verge of extinction in the twentieth century. As fish stocks are ending , fisheries venture into more remote and deeper areas . According to the journal Science, to keep current levels of fishing, the fish will come to extinction in 2048 .

You can expect only limited increases in marine fisheries, which constitute 80% of the total fish production , because most commercial stocks appear to be complete, or excessively exploited . Production of freshwater fishing , which constitutes 10 % of total production , is unlikely to expand. As demand is approaching the limits of production , many fish stocks are suffering deterioration. Overfishing is depleting certain populations, and other human activities influence the productivity of fisheries systems in fresh, brackish and salt water. These impacts undermine traditional operations and commercial fishing and recreational activity and tourism. This project analyzes the direct effects on the environment, capture operations , as well as external environmental impacts that are affecting fish stocks.

The main direct negative ecological effect of capture fisheries is overfishing . The excessive fishing not only degrades the target fish population , changing its size and structure, but also affects other species, related to the food chain . Besides the use of certain fishing gear and practices that not only trap the desired species, or destroy habitats , harm or kill unintentionally non-target species .

Fishing is of particular concern because the drag nets in the deep sea , benthic communities damaged. They can be imported damages anchors and cause divers to coral reefs , can trap and kill fish , unnecessarily ( this fact is known as "ghost fishing "). This almost universally banned use of explosives and poisons, but some fishermen still use . Not only the fish kill , either , but these practices can destroy habitats (eg coral reefs ) are wasted. Finally , as a result of the intensification of fishing activities , the risk of oil pollution and fuel is increased, because of accidental spills.

Fishing is a variety of environmental impacts as a result of human activities .

Ecosystems , including estuaries , marshes , seagrass areas , salt marshes and coral reefs are very productive habitats and play a very important role , protecting against waves and high tides , and against flooding and sedimentation from land . Many areas are damaged due to overfishing . Often these development activities influence river flows and cause accumulation of silt and sediment production areas . Dredging and mangrove destruction can destroy , directly or indirectly , important spawning and rearing fish.

All pollutants come from a particular source and can cause respiratory and digestive diseases. It is necessary for man to become aware of the problem.

Dolphins , sea lions and sea turtles die when they eat or trapped by mugs , bags , ropes and other forms of plastic garbage thrown into the sea , for tourists and fishermen.

Decrease much more fishing reserve , the more extreme the fishing techniques.

When speaking of destructive fishing techniques , referring to the devastation caused by seabed trawling is done, discard the use of poisons and explosives and ghost fishing .

Fishing operations , although it is a means of providing important food , has caused various environmental problems in the underwater environment . Often the use of fishing gear and fishing itself generate negative effects on underwater ecosystems , food chains and therefore the future supply of fish for human consumption .

Many species , even endangered , are captured for no reason and then returned to the sea , often already dead. These "collateral " losses ( bycatch ) reach in some cases 80% or even 90% of the fish . In addition , large areas of the deep ocean , which provide habitat where fish find food and protection , are flattened and destroyed. Larger networks used in trawling , have wide mouths and leave scars sea of more than 4 km in length. Wounds that cause the ecosystem may be permanent. Trawling , moreover , leave sediment suspension (sometimes toxic ) responsible for a haze of harmful to water life . This type of fishing overrides the natural features of the environment, which normally allow marine animals live, relax , hide.

With this project Titiribi Aquaculture Production of Fish Tanks seeks help protect the environment , the ecosystem , and produce food with all the nutrients as is fish.

Aquaculture is the set of activities, parenting skills and knowledge of aquatic plant and animal species . It is an important economic activity in food production, industrial raw materials and pharmaceutical use , and living organisms for restocking or embellishment

With this form of production is minimal environmental impact : the topsoil is not removed because the tanks are placed on top of the grass ; waste water is shallow because techniques are used as water circulation , temperature control and monitoring parameters; no logging because they are placed in an empty space. Also with this system can fully recover land damaged by mining. If you are offered the fisherman and taught another method to meet your needs , stop causing so much damage to overfishing .

Let's help recover some of our rivers and seas, with a system of fishing as aquaculture .




This project has generated much excitement . We invite you to participate in with your donation. It is expensive because many people participate in , and requires many resources both financial and labor . This project will bring a grain of sand to Save Our ??Planet.

Do it well, not only with money, also spreading form of fishing in tanks to save and protect our rivers and seas.

Save our rivers and seas overfishing replacing damaging our planet, organized and rich in nutrients fishing

Mi nombre es María del Pilar Maya Elejalde, naci en un pueblo que se llama Rionegro- Antioquia- Colombia. Soy mujer cabeza de famila, Técnologa en Comercio exterior. Esta idea nació a partir de ver como los pescadores de nuestra región, principalmente en Titiribi, (Lugar donde se desarrollara este proyecto) en su afán de conseguir el sustento diario, han ido dejado nuestros rios y quebradas convertidos en un desastre, el cual en este momento con la ayuda de todos podemos recuperar... Ya en nuestros ríos y quebradas es poco lo que se pesca. . Tenemos la experiencia en este sistema de cultivo y sabemos que es la forma de recuperar las aguas y las tierras y producir un alimento tan rico en nutrientes como es el pescado, al mismo tiempo que implementaremos un proyecto modelo en la Región para reemplazar la pesca en los ríos y quebradas por la pesca en estanques. De esta manera estamos aportando un granito de arena para RESCATAR NUESTROS RÍOS Y MARES. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto contamos con nuestra experiencia obtenida en una granja piscicola en otra zona del país. La acuicultura es "el futuro del combate contra el hambre", afirmó a Efe el ministro de Pesca de Brasil, Eduardo Lopes, quien presidió la reunión de la Red de Acuicultura de las Américas (RAA) de la Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), celebrada hoy en Asunción. Agencia EFE | 28 de Noviembre de 2014 Asunción, 28 nov (EFE).- La acuicultura es "el futuro del combate contra el hambre", afirmó a Efe el ministro de Pesca de Brasil, Eduardo Lopes, quien presidió la reunión de la Red de Acuicultura de las Américas (RAA) de la Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), celebrada hoy en Asunción. "La acuicultura tiene un potencial de seguridad alimentaria y de generar calidad de vida, trabajo e ingresos en todos los países del mundo", aseguró Lopes, presidente del consejo de ministros de la RAA. El ministro puso como ejemplo el intercambio entre Brasil y Costa de Marfil, de donde llegaron en 1971 los primeros ejemplares de tilapia, un pescado que ahora Brasil exporta al país africano con una "genética mejorada" que produce mayor rendimiento en menos tiempo. Admitió que Brasil "importa más pescado del que exporta", invirtiendo entre 500 y 700 millones de dólares en importaciones de productos como el salmón chileno, el bacalao noruego o el "pangasius" vietnamita, y generando exportaciones por valor de 200 millones de dólares. Lopes presidió este viernes la segunda reunión del consejo de ministros de la RAA, un encuentro entre los países latinoamericanos que buscan promover el consumo y aumentar la producción de pescado en la región, como forma de combatir la pobreza y el hambre. En el encuentro participaron representantes ministeriales de países como Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Perú y Venezuela. Según datos de la FAO, el 50 % del pescado que se consume en el mundo proviene de la acuicultura. La organización indica además que el pescado es la fuente principal de proteínas para el 17 % de la población mundial y para el 25 % de los habitantes de países con bajos ingresos y déficit de alimentos. EFE
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50 de 50 disponibles
Thank you card.,
Will be sent a thank you card.,
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50 de 50 disponibles
Fots and video card
Will be sent a thank you card, send the photos to the entire assembly of the project. The signed card rage, also send a video of the whole process to make them all learn to recognize a fish of excellent quality,
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30 de 30 disponibles
Case for cellular
Will be sent a thank you card, send the photos to the entire assembly of the project. The signed card rage, also send a video of the whole process to make them all learn to recognize a fish of excellent quality,
Case for cellular.
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15 de 15 disponibles
Typical hat cane arrow
Will be sent a thank you card, send photos and a typical hat cane swept my country
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15 de 15 disponibles
Custom cell case
Will be sent a thank you card, send the photos to the entire assembly of the project.
CUSTOM Case for cellular
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10 de 10 disponibles
Backpack made by Wayuu.
Backpack made by Wayuu, with the project logo decorated with Swarovski beads,
These bags are unisex
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14 de 14 disponibles
Personalized backpack
Backpack made by the Wayuu, PERSONALIZED with the project logo decorated with Swarovski beads, can choose the color
These bags are unisex.

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