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¿Qué es un embajador? Son las personas o instituciones que, de alguna manera, quieren apoyar el crowdfunding. Este apoyo se traduce en una aportación económica, material o en una campaña de comunicación específica para apoyar un área general (por ejemplo: libros, cine, videojuegos…) o un proyecto concreto.

Un embajador no es lo mismo que un mecenas. Un embajador no espera una recompensa específica a modo de retribución, el apoyo lleva implícita una actitud desinteresada que verá compensada con un aumento de su imagen de marca. En este sentido, la persona o institución que desea ser embajador aparecerá en la web de Lánzanos de forma destacada y su propuesta será divulgada a través de nuestras redes sociales, blog y canales de comunicación. Así mismo, el nombre de la marca será un destacado en las presentaciones y charlas que Lánzanos imparte a lo largo de todo el territorio nacional. La intención es que toda la comunidad conozca qué marcas trabajan en pro del crowdfunding.

Si deseas ser embajador y tu propuesta va dirigida a este proyecto en cuestión, no lo dudes y utiliza este espacio para ponerte en contacto con el artífice del mismo de forma directa. No olvides comunicárselo también el equipo de Lánzanos para que pongamos la campaña de divulgación en marcha.

¡Muchas gracias por creer en las buenas ideas!

Our future is in your hands! From EUPLA Racing Team we invite you to form part of the future by helping us develop an electric competition motorbike.

Who are we?

EUPLA Racing Team is university team created to participate in the IV Edition of Motostudent, in the electric category. The team is formed by eight students from the Escuela Universitaria Politéctica de La Almunia (EUPLA).

What do we need from you?

We would like to make you feel the same passion for innovation and development that we feel. Don’t hesitate to view our rewards for your involvement in our project. 

What is it?

Motostudent is an international motorcycling competition for both design and speed. It’s a challenge that counts with the participation of over 40 student teams from all around the world. This edition (IV) started at the beginning of 2015 and will end, after the evaluation of the project, at the fall of 2016, so it’s a project with an aproxamate duration of a year and a half. This competition’s goal is to design, construct and evaluate competition motorbike prototype. This motorbike will be tested and will have its final evaluation at the Motorland Aragón circuit. The competition is a challenge for the students because for three semesters they will have to show their inventive, capacity for innovation and their engineering skills. 


Don’t hesitate to follow us here: www.euplart.com

Sobre el autor

Eupla Racing Team

location La Almunia de Doña Godina, España
EUPLA Racing Team es un equipo universitario creado para competir en la IV Edición de Motostudent. Dicho equipo al completo, pertenece además a la asociación del mismo nombre. El grupo está formado por ocho alumnos de la Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de La Almunia (EUPLA) y dispondrá de la supervisión y asesoramiento de un profesor del centro como asesor docente del grupo.
Proyecto finalizado
37 apoyos
1820€ de 1500
Recompensas por apoyar
Thank you for your interest.
Letter of appreciation signed by all the members of the team.
3 personas han apoyado
Every motorbike needs a key ring.
•Official team key ring (3D impression)
•Letter of appreciation signed by all the members of the team.
•Picture of the team.
13 personas han apoyado
Dress like us.
•Official team polo shirt.
•Official team key ring (3D impression)
•Letter of appreciation signed by all the members of the team.
•Picture of the team.
14 personas han apoyado
Decorate your home.
•A3 infographic.
•Official team polo shirt.
•Official team key ring (3D impression)
•Letter of appreciation signed by all the members of the team.
•Picture of the team.
3 personas han apoyado
A personalised impression.
•Personalised 3D impression.
•A3 infographic.
•Official team polo shirt.
•Official team key ring (3D impression)
•Letter of appreciation signed by all the members of the team.
•Picture of the team.
3 personas han apoyado
Accompany us.
•Logo on the motorbike (10x15cm).
•Personalised 3D impression.
•A3 infographic.
•Official team polo shirt.
•Official team key ring (3D impression)
•Letter of appreciation signed by all the members of the team.
•Picture of the team.
1 personas han apoyado
Official sponsor.
•Logo on our website.
•We invite you to our installations and to see the motorbike.
•Become one of our official sponsors.
•Logo on the motorbike (10x15cm)
•Personalised 3D impression.
•A3 infographic.
•Official team polo shirt.
•Official team key ring (3D impression)
•Letter of appreciation signed by all the members of the team.
•Picture of the team.
0 personas han apoyado
Official sponsor (Silver)
•Big logo on the motorbike (20x30cm).
•Come to the race with us.
•Logo on our website.
•We invite you to our installations and to see the motorbike.
•Become one of our official sponsors.
•Logo on the motorbike (10x15cm)
•Personalised 3D impression.
•A3 infographic.
•Official team polo shirt.
•Official team key ring (3D impression)
•Letter of appreciation signed by all the members of the team.
•Picture of the team.

0 personas han apoyado