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¿Qué es un embajador? Son las personas o instituciones que, de alguna manera, quieren apoyar el crowdfunding. Este apoyo se traduce en una aportación económica, material o en una campaña de comunicación específica para apoyar un área general (por ejemplo: libros, cine, videojuegos…) o un proyecto concreto.

Un embajador no es lo mismo que un mecenas. Un embajador no espera una recompensa específica a modo de retribución, el apoyo lleva implícita una actitud desinteresada que verá compensada con un aumento de su imagen de marca. En este sentido, la persona o institución que desea ser embajador aparecerá en la web de Lánzanos de forma destacada y su propuesta será divulgada a través de nuestras redes sociales, blog y canales de comunicación. Así mismo, el nombre de la marca será un destacado en las presentaciones y charlas que Lánzanos imparte a lo largo de todo el territorio nacional. La intención es que toda la comunidad conozca qué marcas trabajan en pro del crowdfunding.

Si deseas ser embajador y tu propuesta va dirigida a este proyecto en cuestión, no lo dudes y utiliza este espacio para ponerte en contacto con el artífice del mismo de forma directa. No olvides comunicárselo también el equipo de Lánzanos para que pongamos la campaña de divulgación en marcha.

¡Muchas gracias por creer en las buenas ideas!

VIHVE is born in September 2011, after many years of voluntary services of a group of Spanish friends in an orphanage in Ethiopia.

Since its early stages, back in 2011, VIHVE has the goal of helping with scholar grants to those orphan who, having reached the age of 18, are forced to leave the compound where they live in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. All our funds go to the project, which we support along with other NGOs (mainly, HOMAC, from Barcelona). We cover all the basic needs that the youth have during its educational process. Need that, otherwise, they could not probably get: living, transport, pocket money, school fess, etc.

The acceptance of the scholarships by the orphans is subject to their excellence in their performances. They will be granted only as long as they keep showing good results and behaviors. The grant will last as long as their chosen program takes, whether it is vocational training or higher education at the university.

The goal is that all these youth who depart from a difficult position (stigmatized by being orphans and HIV positive), have the opportunity of getting an education and, with the time, acquire a job that will make them part of the Ethiopian working population.

All info about our NGO can be seen in our website: www.vihve.org

Sobre el autor

Gonzalo Guajardo

location Addis ababa, España
Proyecto finalizado
9 apoyos
1160€ de 15000
Recompensas por apoyar
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
1 personas han apoyado
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
7 personas han apoyado
Fridge Magnet
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
0 personas han apoyado
Christmas Card
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia
0 personas han apoyado
Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia
- A beautiful Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves.
0 personas han apoyado
Gift from Merkato
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia.
- A beautiful Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves.
- A gift from our little Merkato.
0 personas han apoyado
Tickets for a charity night
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia.
- A beautiful Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves.
- A gift from our little Merkato.
- 2 tickets to go to the charity night event that takes place once a year in Madrid or Seville.
0 personas han apoyado
DVD Film Soundtracks
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia.
- A beautiful Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves.
- A gift from our little Merkato.
- 2 tickets to go to the charity night event that takes place once a year in Madrid or Seville.
- DVD with the whole charity concert "Film Soundtracks" recorded in Seville in 2014.
0 personas han apoyado
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia.
- A beautiful Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves.
- A gift from our little Merkato.
- 2 tickets to go to the charity night event that takes place once a year in Madrid or Seville.
- DVD with the whole charity concert "Film Soundtracks" recorded in Seville in 2014.
- The logo of your company will be in every printed and electronic publication (web and posters)
1 personas han apoyado
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia.
- A beautiful Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves.
- A gift from our little Merkato.
- 2 tickets to go to the charity night event that takes place once a year in Madrid or Seville.
- DVD with the whole charity concert "Film Soundtracks" recorded in Seville in 2014.
- The logo of your company will be in every printed and electronic publication (web and posters)
- Your company may include a free banner/video/ad in our website.
0 personas han apoyado
Honorific partnership
- A personal thanks from the team of VIHVE
- Subscription to our bulletin
- A magnet to hold your things to remember on the fridge
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia.
- A beautiful Ethiopian frame made of banana leaves.
- A gift from our little Merkato.
- 2 tickets to go to the charity night event that takes place once a year in Madrid or Seville.
- DVD with the whole charity concert "Film Soundtracks" recorded in Seville in 2014.
- The logo of your company will be in every printed and electronic publication (web and posters)
- Your company may include a free banner/video/ad in our website.
- You will be part of our honorific list of partners.
0 personas han apoyado
Free guide in Ethiopia
- Subscription to our bulletin
- Receiving a christmas card of banana leave made in Ethiopia
- A gift from our little Merkato.
- 2 tickets to go to the charity night event that takes place once a year in Madrid or Seville.
- DVD with the whole charity concert "Film Soundtracks" recorded in Seville in 2014.
- The logo of your company will be in every printed and electronic publication (web and posters)
- Your company may include a free banner/video/ad in our website.
- You will be part of our honorific list of partners.
- Gonzalo Guajardo, founder of VIHVE, will do a free guide for you in case you travel to Ethiopia.
0 personas han apoyado